Kamis, 04 April 2013
Kim Jaejoong's Fact
◦ He has a birthmark on his neck.
◦ He feels like a woman when Yunho touches him.
◦ He has a phobia of coke, because once, he was entering a coca cola drinking contest and he fainted after drinking cola.
◦ He donated blood for their cookies.. because he didnt have enough money for food back then.
◦ Jaejoong naturally doesn’t have pit hair (well very very little). He said he shaved to make it grow, but it just doesn’t grow.
◦ Jaejoong was a Chinese Soldier extra in the movie Tae Guk Gi, Brotherhood of War
◦ Jaejoong likes texting the members when they’re not with him. he’s constantly worried about them
◦ Before debut , Kim JaeJoong bought Kim Ki Bum ( from Super Junior , I guess. ) and Changmin alcohol, but they were caught by the manager because they came in later.
◦ Jaejoong is afraid of water cause he can’t swim.
◦ He likes to wear his ring on his fourth finger and feels uncomfortable when it is on other fingers
◦ He taught himself how to play the piano
◦ He has a thing for the Han River; his ideal date is walking near the han river and when he’s stressed, he likes to listen to music at the han river
◦ He has eight sisters and he’s adopted
◦ He shares clothes with yoochun AND they both get to choose costumes before the other members when performing
◦ He can’t trust himself with dating younger girls because he has never taken care of a girl younger than him
◦ He has a thing for elephants
◦ He hates loud noises
◦ doesn’t have to be pretty
◦ has to have pretty hands and feet
◦ probably will end up marrying a FAN (:
◦ not very picky with girls
◦ his mommy wants him to bring home a baby
◦ his ideal type of a girl is someone who LOOKS very innocent in the outside , but is actually very dirty inside 8)
◦ if he likes someone , he’ll become detached to her , probably cause he’s nervous (:
Other Interesting Facts
◦ as you should know, he has a dog named VICK , a great pyrenees. His name comes from Jae’s nickname which is “VISUAL SHOCK” so he made it shorter to VICK
◦ thinks that cook formed in a pretty way would taste better
◦ taught how to drink by his MOTHER , because his father wasn’t a strong drinker
◦ wants to be in TVXQ FOREVER, or until health screws him up
◦ Jaejoong is paranoid about what other people think about him (which explains a lot about why he is so careful about his hair, the clothes he wears, and covering his smile while laughing
Random Facts About Kim Jaejoong ( cr. onetvxqforums)
♪ He likes to look at mirror so do not by any chance take away his mirror!
♪ When he gets very excited he will start to speak in ‘native’ slang.
♪ He don’t know how to use his eyes to ‘electrocute’ girls so don’t ask him to do that.
♪ He hate it when people say he is pretty, he want people to regards him as handsome/cool, not pretty as pretty is for girls.
♪ He likes unique under garment. (that’s why fans give him t- back!)
♪ He looks very cool but actually deep down inside he is warm hearted so don’t hurt his feeling!
♪ Once during a Coca-cola drinking competition he fainted after drinking Coca-cola so now he has a phobia against Coca-cola!
♪ He has to wear eye mask when sleeping.
♪ He has a slim and fragile waist, so do not hug him cos it’ll break!
♪ He likes cooking very much so he likes fans to give him recipe book from various countries as a gift. But don’t ask him to cook with you, he don’t like to cook together with other people.
♪ Has 11 piercings (4 in the left ear, 5 in the right ear, 1 in his belly, 1 in his left ######).
♪ Has tattoos in both his back (first it was only TVfXQ Soul and now there’s more addition of The pleasures of the mighty are the tears of the poor; A song will outlive sermons in the memory; Hope to the end), and his chest (Always Keep the Faith)
♪ Likes eating spicy food. In fact, he ate world’s most spiciest peppers with ease and thinks that Naga Jolokia pepper, with a Scoville (scale of hotness) rating of 1,041,365 would taste good in a dish. Fellow TVXQ! members complain that Jaejoong, who is the group’s best, and only cook, always prepares food to his taste and not theirs.
♪ Enjoys cooking in his spare time.
♪ Can text message really quickly and accurately, and likes to use many emoticons in his messages.
♪ Calls himself the “expert” at Rock, Paper, Scissors.
♪ Has broad shoulders in contrast with his thin waist line.
♪ He likes girls who has pretty hands and feet.
♪ Believes he will marry a fan, wants 2 daughters and 1 son.
♪ Doesn’t really like his own voice because he thinks it sounds “awkward”.
♪ First kiss in the 6th grade (it was a cheek kiss).
♪ Hates girls who are very self centered and full of themselves.
♪ Childhood dream was to be a grocery store owner, so that he could eat all the cookies.
♪ Broke his leg during “Rising Sun” promotions, rendering him unable to dance or perform with the members for a couple of months.
♪ Has a habit of sometimes sticking his tongue out after singing his part on stage performances.
♪ Able to move each of his shoulder blades separately.
♪ Able to inflate his stomach to 36 inches.
♪ Colored his hair blonde for the first time in late 2006 because Xiah Junsu told him you should try it and see how it looks.
♪ Shares a work-room with Micky Yoochun
♪ Enjoys eating cereal (with milk) whenever he wants (usually during dinner).
♪ Feels that Japanese Curry mixes really well with rice.
♪ Does not make very good “First Impressions”.
♪ Wants to be the Hero in the entertainment industry so stage name is Hero Jaejoong.
♪ Doesn’t like to do dishes.
♪ Talkative.
♪ Left home to pursue dream of becoming a singer.
♪ Was part of a band before entering SM.
Compilation of Tohoshinki’s Secret of the Day – Jaejoong
09.05.07 – Kobe
Jaejoong: Jaejoong is ID No. 1 in Bigeast fanclub namelist.09.05.10 – Saitama
Jaejoong: Jaejoong has the most celebrity friends among all the DBSK members.
09.05.11 – Saitama
Jaejoong: In the composing of the song Wasurenaide , Jaejoong thought through the whole meaning of the song in Japanese before writing the lyrics in Japanese.
09.05.16 – Sendai
Jaejoong: Jaejoong feels that his most charming feature is his [white/fair muscles]
09.05.17 – Sendai
Jaejoong: Jaejoong will play his music at a loud volume and sleep
09.05.23 – Sapporo
Jaejoong: The first dish Jejung ate when he came to Japan was 『カツ丼』 [a pork cutlet served on top of a bowl of rice]
09.05.24 – Sapporo
Jaejoong: at 6th grade of elementary school, started a part time job! Thus, his first job was delivering newspapers.
09.05.30 – Fukuoka
Jaejoong: He loves to work. He keeps saying Gimme more work! to the staffs.
09.05.31 – Fukuoka
Jaejoong: Jaejoong really love to train his muscle, but now he seems to try holding back to do so (as his fans dont like him to be too muscular)
09.06.06 – Hiroshima
Jaejoong: Jaejoong peels sausages really really fast
09.06.07 – Hiroshima
Jaejoong: Jaejoong feels uncomfortable if he doesn’t wear his ring.
09.06.10 – Osaka
Jaejoong: Jaejoong was strongly attracted by a female with a beautiful mole/birthmark.
09.06.11 – Osaka
Jaejoong: Jejung is the No.1 member who loves spicy food. When he went back to Korea, he brought along THE DEATH SAUCE !
09.06.13 – Osaka
Jaejoong: Jaejoong’s favorite anime character is TOTORO !
09.06.18 – Nagoya
Jaejoong: aejoong who has been taking up challenge of composing, uses computer and keyboard to do so.
09.06.20 – Nagoya
Jaejoong:When aejoong is drunk on sake, he would turn so beautiful!
09.06.21 – Nagoya
Jaejoong: He loves onions a lot and he can eat it raw.
source: http://sharingyoochun.wordpress.com/?s=sec…p;x=13&y=10
Solo Activities
◦ He sang “Greeting” (인사) which was featured on the A Millionaire’s First Love soundtrack.
◦ He sang Japanese solo “MAZE”, which was featured in the “Keyword / Maze” single, the fifth and last installment of the group’s “TRICK” series.
◦ He had a duet with The Grace, “Just for One Day”, which was featured in The Grace’s first Japanese full-length studio album, Graceful 4.
◦ He composed “Kissしたまま、さよなら” with Yuchun
◦ He sang Korean solo “Forgotten Season”, a remake of the original song by Lee Yong, which was a famous hit in the 1980s. His solo is included in TVXQ’s 4th album MIROTIC (Track 11).
◦ He is the lyricist and composer of “Don’t Cry My Lover”, a track included in TVXQ’s 4th album MIROTIC (Version C).
◦ He is the lyricist and composer of “Wasurenaide”, a track included in Tohoshinki’s Bolero Single
◦ He stars in the Korea-Japan drama production “Heaven’s Postman” as the main lead
◦ He is the lyricist and composer of “9095″, a track included in The Secret Code Album, and “9096″ a bonus track
◦ He composed, together with Yoochun, the song Colors – Harmony and Melody used in Hello Kitty’s 35th anniversary
◦ He composed and arranged, together with Junsu, the song Shelter, included in the Colors CD Single release
◦ He played the role of “Dr.” in the Japan drama production “Sunao Ni Narenakute“
100 Q&As;
1.) Name: Kim Jaejoong
2.) Birthdate: January 26
3.) Address: Someplace in Seoul
4.) Blood type: O
5.) Height: 177 cm
6.) Weight: 63 kg
7.) Shoe size: 275 mm
8.) Personality: Bright I guess? (People say I don have a very good first impression.)
9.) Dream: To be a famous and respected singer, and to have my name remember for a while.
10.) Specialties: Singing, Staying awake, walking, thinking, playing and playing the 3.6.9 game.
11.) Hobbies: My specialties are my hobbies.
12.) My idol: A person like HK.
13.) Celebrities you likes: MILK Yumi, Shinhwa Junjin, Yoo Youngjin, Hwanhee, Hweesung.
14.) Fav Flower: Lily
15.) I want to go out with this kind of person: Kangta
16.) Fav. Fruit: Bananas and apples.
17.) People you don like: Someone who thinks they are all that.
18.) Fav comic book: I like most of the ones I read but my absolute fav is DRAGON BALL!
19.) What I worried about: Secret.
20.) Sleeping out: I’ll let you make up on your own.
21.) Alcohol tolerance: Around 4 bottles, but depends how fast I drink them.
22.) First love: First year of MS.
23.) Someone I respect: Parents, Yoo Youngjin, Hwanhee and Hyesung.
24.) Sport I good at: Running
25.) Fav song: I have too many.
26.) Number of blind dates you gone on: 3
27.) When I look the best: When I stayed up for a day.
28.) Person I liked the best out of all the people I gone out with: ?hm?
29.) Fav number: 2 and 7
30.) Prized Possession: My parents.
31.) Lowest ranking: What do you mean?
32.) Religion: Atheist
33.) What I think when looking in the mirror: MOMMY!
34.) Fav color: Black and white.
35.) Good thing about myself: I’m nice, but I think my first impression IS bad.
36.) Bad thing about myself: My first impression is bad.
37.) Drinking habits: I think a lot of myself.
39.) On a rainy day I want to go outside and get wet?: No~! I want to sleep.
40.) Things I cook well: I’m good at cooking in general.
41.) Something I want to do right now: I want to go home and wash up.
42.) Foreign language I’m good at: Chinese
43.) Something I want to do with the person I love: Walk near the river holding hands.
44.) A present I want to give the person I love: A piggyback ride near the river.
45.) Things I want: I have too much I want.
46.) If you met a boyfriend from the past: ?boyfriend??
47.) A present I want to receive from the person I love: Love and more love!
48.) Phone greeting: I can type in what I want. I broke it.
49.) Ringtone:
50.) Caller rings: TT0TT!!
51.) If you found 1 million dollars on the road: I’ll leave a 1000 dollars and pick up the rest to save.
52.) Habits: thinking, laying down.
53.) Sleeping habits: I sleep on my belly.
54.) What I wearing as of now: White beater and jeans.
55.) I want to die when: I don’t have the nerve in me to kill myself so I think I just go one suffering.
56.) Something I want to do right now: I want to debut!
56.) How many times have you received flowers from a person of the different gender: Do you mean given: is this a quiz for girls?
57.) Where I want surgery: ?what?
58.) My charm: If I get closer to someone, that person can depend on me.
59.) What people think of me: It all different.
60.) Someone I say a lot: Let save!!!
61.) What Im scared of: Cockroaches
62.) When I was most hurt: When I had a Jangyum.
63.) When I feel the happiest: When I say something nice to my parents.
64.) What I do when I’m scared: I sing.
65.) When have you given chocolates to someone for valentines day: once in MS.
66.) What I do when Im stressed: I listen to music.
67.) What I like to eat when I drink: Soup and casseroles.
68.) What I do when I mad: I hit things!!!
69.) Things I can’t eat: Dog.
70.) Time I get to school: ?.
71.) Something I want to learn: Acting.
72.) What I do when there is someone I don’t like: Ignore them.
73.) When I was the happiest in my life: When I had my first rehearsal in SM.
74.) What I think of money: It doesn’t grow on trees.
75.) If the person you love ended up loving someone else: I’ll let them go because there must be something they don like about me.
76.) Most recent time I cried: ??
77.) Sunshine or Moonlight: Moonlight.
78.) First kiss: 6th year of EM.
79.) If someone I broke up with wanted to get back: I’ll think about it.
80.) Favorite person of a different race I like: I like Koreans.
81.) My most favorite thing I own: I guess my clothes.
82.) How long I can wait for someone: 3 hours.
83.) When I was most disappointed: Too long to write down.
84.) Your monthly allowance: 3 or 4 dollars.
85.) Fav animals: Dogs.
86.) Fav. Season: Spring
87.) Most memorable date: ?.hm?
88.) What I look at when I look at someone of the other gender: Everything.
90.) Nicknames: Boojaejoong.
92.) Love is?: ?like a drug
93.) When I know the person I love has changed: When the things they do change.
94.) What I don’t like when I going out with someone: ?..
95.) What I like the most about myself: Skin
96.) A wish for this year: I hope everything I do ends up well.
100.) Last thing you want to say: I’m done! I can finally go home!!
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