Rabu, 06 Desember 2023
Barang-barang jaman dulu
Rabu, 18 Oktober 2023
My current routines for bedroom
-Tidy up the bed daily
•clean the bed sheet with "sapu lidi"/broom stick/brush (before/after sleep)
•fold the blanket
•put the pillow over the blanket
-Clean the desk daily
-Sweep the floor 2x/day
-Mop the floor 1x/week
-Change & wash the pillow cover 1x/week
-Change & wash the bedsheet and blanket 1x/2 weeks
-Dry the pillow under the sun 1x/2 weeks
Senin, 16 Oktober 2023
Rabu, 06 September 2023
For the sake of ice cream
Aku tidak berpikir untuk menghabiskan semua es krim dalam sehari
Sabtu, 02 September 2023
Kamis, 31 Agustus 2023
tagline untuk brand toko yang menjual bros kerudung
- "Elegansi Terpasang di Setiap Lilitan"
- "Sentuhan Manis pada Setiap Lilitan Kerudungmu"
- "Detail Indah untuk Lilitan Kerudung yang Sempurna"
- "Kecantikan dalam Setiap Bros Kerudung yang Kita Hadirkan"
- "Menghiasi Kerudungmu dengan Keanggunan Bros Terbaru"
- "Bros yang Menyempurnakan Setiap Tampilan Kerudung"
- "Kreativitas yang Memikat, Bros Kerudung yang Memikat Hati"
- "Detail Elegan untuk Lilitan Kerudung yang Memukau"
- "Menghadirkan Warna Baru pada Kerudung dengan Bros Berkarakter"
- "Kreativitas Dalam Setiap Jarum Bros, Kecantikan Dalam Setiap Lilitan Kerudung"
- "Bros Kerudung Trendy, Gaya yang Abadi"
- "Detail Cantik, Gaya Tak Terhingga: Bros Kerudung Pilihanmu"
- "Lengkapi Gaya Hijabmu dengan Sentuhan Elegan dari Bros Kerudung Kami"
- "Mengubah Biasa Menjadi Luar Biasa dengan Bros Kerudung Berkarakter"
- "Eksplorasi Gaya dengan Bros Kerudung yang Menginspirasi"
- "Buat Kenangan Indah dengan Bros Kerudung yang Memukau"
- "Kerudungmu, Kisahmu; Bros Kami, Penutup Ceritamu"
- "Bros Kerudung: Mengangkat Gaya, Meningkatkan Percaya Diri"
- "Bros Kerudung: Pernyataan Gaya dalam Setiap Simpul"
- "Bros Kerudung: Sentuhan Akhir yang Membuat Perbedaan"
Sabtu, 26 Agustus 2023
I asked ChatGPT to give a name of jewelry and accessories shop
I want a name for my jewelry and accessories shop. It provides online and offline services. So, I asked ChatGPT to generate names and definitions and related stuff as well. But the results seem that I have bad prompts for it. Sometimes when my thoughts get too much information results from this AI, my prompts get worse. There are similar and double results when I tend to demand an amount of something. Here is my question and the result.
--Don't consume it all!--
Q: Tell me more about the cute accessories for kids.
A: Certainly! Cute accessories for kids can include a wide range of items designed to add charm, fun, and style to their outfits. Here are some popular examples:
1. Hair Accessories: Adorable hairbands, bows, clips, and headbands in various colors and designs.
2. Jewelry: Delicate bracelets, necklaces, and earrings featuring cute motifs like animals, flowers, or cartoon characters.
3. Bags and Backpacks: Miniature backpacks, purses, or tote bags with cute patterns or characters that kids will love.
4. Sunglasses: Fun and colorful sunglasses to protect their eyes while adding a playful touch to their look.
5. Hats and Caps: Stylish hats and caps with cute designs to shield them from the sun in a trendy way.
6. Scarves and Gloves: Soft and cozy scarves and gloves adorned with charming prints.
7. Socks and Tights: Vibrant and patterned socks or tights to add a touch of whimsy to their outfits.
8. Pins and Patches: Fun enamel pins or fabric patches that can be added to clothing or bags.
Keep in mind that safety and comfort are crucial when designing or selecting accessories for kids. Using child-friendly materials and ensuring they meet safety standards is essential.
By offering a diverse selection of these cute accessories, your store will be sure to delight both kids and their parents, making it a go-to destination for all things adorable and fashionable.
Q: Help me pick a name for my store which sells cute accessories for adults and kids as girls' fashion.
A: How about "Charming Chic & Kids" or "Adorable Allure Boutique"? These names convey the idea of selling cute accessories for both adults and kids, along with stylish girls' fashion. Let me know if you'd like more suggestions or if there's a specific theme you'd like to explore!
Collective names for jewelry and accessories shop
If you are here because of my previous blog post, first, second, third post.
You are amazing!
So, here are all 379 names I got from the previous questions that I asked ChatGPT
Acceoires Colorés (French - Colorful Accessories)
Accesorii Colorate (Romanian - Colorful Accessories)
AccesoriiVesele (Joyful Accessories)
Accesorios de Colores (Spanish - Colorful Accessories)
Accessoires Multicolores (French - Multicolored Accessories)
Accessori Colorati (Italian - Colorful Accessories)
Accessori Scelta (Italian - Choice Accessories)
Acessórios Coloridos (Portuguese - Colorful Accessories)
AdorabiliAccessori (Adorable Accessories)
Adorable Jewels
AdorableAllure Store
Adorables Galore
AdorbsHub Store
To generate names for jewelry and accessories shop from ChatGPT, leads to scatter
Why do I post my findings from ChatGPT to my blog here?
I want to read it again sometimes. To see my journey, to feel a sense again. Maybe.
Q: 50 simple names for girl accessories shop from italian
Certainly! Here are 50 simple names for a girl accessories shop inspired by Italian:
1. BellaBijoux
2. DolceFascino
3. ChicTesori
4. FioriEleganti
5. GioielliGraziosi
6. SempliceStile
7. AdorabiliGems
8. EleganzaFiorita
9. DeliziosaBoutique
10. FiorelliniCharm
11. BellaChicca
12. LuminosiTrinkets
13. PiccolePerle
14. StileDolcissimo
15. GraziaRaffinata
16. BellissimeAccessori
17. BrillantiDettagli
18. CarineTendenze
19. RaffinateBellezze
20. IncantoGioie
21. SofisticatiTesori
22. FioreAllure
23. SplendidiBijou
24. SempliciBellezze
25. StiloseGems
26. DelicataBoutique
27. FioreChic
28. ElegantiFascino
29. BellissimiDettagli
30. CarineGioielli
31. GrazioseTendenze
32. SempliceEleganza
33. IncantevoliPerle
34. FioreAdorabile
35. BrillantiCharm
36. DolceStile
Foreign name for my jewelry and accessories shop by ChatGPT
So here I want to continue another drama *oh this is a little bit exaggerated*
I know that I live the far from Western world. A word from a Western local or foreign language except English, sounds unique and not really familiar. But I hope it can be remembered in short words.
I like authenticity, and rare, maybe unique things.
I will make the collective name for the shop on the few next pages maybe.
Q: 10 simple names consist just 1 word from Italian for girl accessories shop
Sure! Here are ten simple names, each consisting of a single word in Italian, for a girl accessories shop:
1. Gioielli (Jewels)
2. Elegante (Elegant)
3. Carina (Cute)
4. Fiore (Flower)
5. Bella (Beautiful)
6. Deliziosa (Delightful)
7. Graziosa (Graceful)
8. Stellina (Little Star)
9. Dolce (Sweet)
10. Luminosa (Radiant)
These Italian words evoke a sense of beauty and charm, perfect for a shop that caters to girl accessories. Let me know if you need more suggestions or have any other requests!
Q: Another 10 names?
Certainly! Here are ten more single-word Italian names for a girl accessories shop:
1. Incantevole (Enchanting)
2. Splendida (Splendid)
3. Fanciulla (Young Girl)
4. Sirena (Mermaid)
5. Farfalla (Butterfly)
6. Raggiante (Radiant)
7. Euforia (Euphoria)
8. Eterea (Ethereal)
9. Coccinella (Ladybug)
10. Meraviglia (Wonder)
Selasa, 27 Juni 2023
Aku kudu bekti marang rama lan ibuku. Rama ibu iku lantarane urip ing ngalam donya iki. Panjenengane lila ngorbanake apa wae kanggo para putra-putrane. Rama ibu nyambut gawe mempeng kanggo nyukupi kabutuhan kulawarga lan uga kanggo ngragati sekolahku. Mula aku kudu tanggung jawab marang apa sing dadi kuwajibanku. Aku ora pengin wong tuwaku kuciwa amarga aku gagal ngemban jejibahan sekolah kanggo sangu uripku ing tembe buri. Samangsa aku sukses mbesuk aku bakal mulyaake wong tuwaku. Saranane saiki aku kudu sregep sekolah lan tekun sinau. Mugi Gusti mujudake apa sing dadi cita-citaku.
Selasa, 13 Juni 2023
Pengelompokan makanan | Meal planner category
Kamis, 11 Mei 2023
Pola Makan Penduduk di Negara Tropis dan Subtropis
Mungkin kerasa ya kalau ada perbedaan signifikan antara penduduk yang tinggal di negara tropis dan subtropis dalam hal pola makan dan kesehatan.
Kira-kira apa ya?
Ini beberapa faktor yang mungkin memengaruhi perbedaan pola makan dan kesehatan mereka, yaitu
1. Iklim dan cuaca: Penduduk di negara tropis cenderung mengalami cuaca yang lebih hangat dan lembap dibandingkan dengan penduduk di negara subtropis.
2. Ketersediaan sumber daya alam: Negara tropis dan subtropis memiliki keanekaragaman hayati yang berbeda, yang berdampak pada ketersediaan makanan yang berbeda pula. Misalnya, di negara tropis banyak ditemukan buah-buahan dan sayuran tropis yang kaya akan vitamin dan mineral, sedangkan di negara subtropis lebih banyak ditemukan makanan yang berbasis gandum dan produk susu.
Jumat, 14 April 2023
TV Series List
The 100 (2014-2020)✅️
Money Heist / La casa de papel (2017-2021) S3
Elite (2018-2022) S5
High Seas / Alta Mar (2019-2020) ✅️
Peaky Blinders (2013-2022) S3.2
The Nevers | part 1 (2021) ✅️
Welcome to Eden / Bienvenidos a Edén (2022)✅️
Wednesday (2022)✅️
Full Moon / Dolunay (2017)✅️
My Left Side / Sol Yanım (2020)✅️
Mr. Wrong / Bay Yanliş (2020)
Daydreamer / Erkenci Kuş (2018-2019)
High Society / Yüksek Sosyete (2016) ✅️
Sen Anlat Karadeniz (2018)
Duy Beni (2022)
Sıla (2008)
Sabtu, 01 April 2023
Creating A Utopia World
Rabu, 29 Maret 2023
Quotes from K-Drama Hwang Jini (황진이; 黃眞伊) (2006)
Senin, 27 Maret 2023
Ngikutin Sanremo 2022 dan Eurovision 2022
Baru kepikiran nulis ini setelah setahun acara Sanremo 2022 dan hampir setahun acara Eurovision 2022. Ngga ada salahnya juga sih, haha. I was so excited last year karena ngikutin acara Sanremo dan Eurovision mulai dari pengumuman nominasi dan grand final. Sekilas di tahun 2022 pun aku merasa jadi perlu menjelajah lebih jauh belajar tentang musik di tiap negara, haha. Memang aku suka mengeksplorasi musik-musik baru, belajar musik dari tiap negara kedengarannya menyenangkan.
Gimana sih kok bisa sampe bersemangat banget ngikutin kedua acara itu? Aku masih ingat kenapanya.
Rabu, 22 Maret 2023
Thought tree
"My quality of life is enhanced by..." the support and love from my family and friends, and I have feelings of well-being.
Support is an important thing. Support can be the applied true care of anyone to help, to love, to understand and to feel the same. But sometimes there is support meant nothing but it looks so real and it can be powerful booster for someone who needs a little support.
I think I would go for diagnosis to delay the worse symptoms and prepare for the mind and soul to be calm, patient, relax, blessed, hope for the good life still accompanying and prolong the age
"The neurons of my nervous system allow me to..."
Wicking Dementia
August, 25th 2021
Summary of Second Nature: A Gardener's Education by Michael Pollan
Michael Pollan's book, "Second Nature: A Gardener's Education," is a compelling account of the author's experience with gardening and its significance in the context of human interaction with the natural world. In this book, Pollan delves into the philosophical, ecological, and social aspects of gardening and shows how this activity can serve as a powerful means of reconnecting with the natural world and promoting environmental sustainability.
The book is divided into four parts, each of which addresses a different aspect of gardening. In the first part, titled "The Garden in the Machine," Pollan explores the relationship between human beings and nature in the modern world. He argues that contemporary society has become alienated from the natural world, and that the garden can serve as a powerful means of reconnecting with the environment. Pollan also discusses the history of gardening and how it has evolved over time, from the first human settlements to contemporary suburban landscapes.
Minggu, 26 Februari 2023
Indonesian food with peanut
Kacang tanah diapain aja dengan bumbu yang pas pasti enak. Mulai kacang tanah yang hanya dikeringkan dengan dijemur, dikukus udah enak apalagi dipanggang, digoreng, dihaluskan dengan campuran bahan lain. Nah, kali ini aku mau ngedaftar makanan apa aja yang terbuat dari kacang tanah. Ntah itu jadi isian kacang biasa atau dihaluskan dengan bumbu yang kaya rasa
Campuran kacang tanah utuh/pecahan
Bakpao kacang
Enting-enting kacang
Enting-entik gepuk
Geti kacang
Jipang kacang
Kacang sembunyi
Kue kering kacang
Kue gula kacang
Roti isi kacang
Jumat, 24 Februari 2023
Thinking, Fast and Slow
Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011) salah satu buku dari Daniel Kahneman.
Kutulis kata-kata penting dari bukunya yang versi bahasa cetakan kesebelas Desember 2022.
Sistem 1 menghasilkan berpikir cepat
beroperasi secara otomatis dan cepat, intuitif, sedikit atau tanpa usaha, tanpa ada perasaan sengaja dikendalikan. Menghasilkan pola gagasan yang ternyata rumit. Mencakup keahlian bawaan yang kita miliki bersama-sama hewan lain.
Sistem 2 menghasilkan berpikir lambat
memberikan perhatian kepada aktivitas mental yang butuh usaha, berkonsentrasi, diri sadar, bernalar, memiliki kepercayaan, membuat pilihan, memutuskan apa yang dipikirkan dan dilakukan. Bisa membangun pemikiran dalam langkah teratur. Butuh perhatian dan terganggu kalau perhatian teralihkan.
Release Radar Spotify 28 Apr 2024
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Yeah Wedding Dress Yeah Wedding Dress Yeah Wedding Dress Yeah Wedding Dress 空に届け Wedding Dress Wedding Dress 君は白い羽の Angel ...