Kamis, 05 Juni 2014

Contoh Karya Tulis Garuda Wisnu Kencana

Hai.. admin mau share contoh karya tulis Garuda Wisnu Kencana yang ada di Bali. Karya tulis ini dibuat sewaktu kelas IX yang merupakan tugas Bahasa Indonesia.

Kemegahan Garuda Wisnu Kencana

Rabu, 01 Januari 2014

[Lyrics] TVXQ – SOMETHING (Romanized, EngTrans)


She got that something She got that something
She’s just a beautiful (hey hey hey)
Just a beautiful (hey hey hey)
Sh.. Watch out
Aha, yeah
I’m back

Jebal najom kkaeujima
Eojetbam hansumdo motjatdanmallya
Sumanheun yeojadeul modu naega jotae
Aidol gatdaena mworaena

Soljikhi deomdeomhangibun
Eonjena naege kkochyeobeorinsiseondeul
Bulpyeonhaedo mwol eojjeogesseo maennal geuraewatdeongeol
Oneuldo nan burn like a fire

She got that something
Neon naege bujokhaeyo stop baby
Dodohae boijiman nareul hyanghan nunbichi heundeulliji
Jomdeo bunbalhaeya doelkkeol

She got that something
Mangseorindamyeon naneun cry baby
Deulkijimalgo naege salgeumsalgeumsalgeum dagawajumyeon
Naega moreuncheok neomeoga jultende

Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

[TRANS] 130819 10 Review, TVXQ’s ‘LIVE TOUR 2013′ Finale, The Three Secrets That Captivated 70,000 Fans

TVXQ and 70,000 fans at the Nissan Stadium were more pumped than they had been during the World Cup. Everyone who had gathered at the Nissan Stadium in Yokohama, Japan on the 17th had expressions of anticipation and excitement on their faces. Though the weather hit 33 degrees, no one had a frown on their face. The 17th marked the finale of TVXQ’s ‘LIVE TOUR 2013 ~TIME’ tour. The sheer size of the Nissan Stadium, which hosted the finals of the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup, and the fluttering flags of TVXQ’s concert seemed to accentuate the fact that TVXQ are ‘the first international singers to hold a stadium concert’. Groups of fans who were there to watch the concert could be seen taking pictures in front of the main gate of the stadium.
One Japanese fan who had brought a suitcase with her said, “I cam from Sendai, which is two hours away by train. I’ll also be going to tomorrow’s (18th) concert,” and revealed that she likes TVXQ because they are ‘cute’. One fan said nothing but ‘perfect’. Because the venue itself is big enough to fit 72,000 people, for some fans, TVXQ must have looked so small. It’s gotten to the point where TVXQ have earned themselves the nickname ‘cotton bud Shinki’. When we asked fans why they were at the concert then if they couldn’t see TVXQ that well, they all gave the same answer. ‘Love’. Watching these fans giggle and laugh when asked about TVXQ, we could feel the sheer power that TVXQ have as the best and the first.
Having attracted 144,000 fans across two days, TVXQ’s concert at the Nissan Stadium was attended by a wide range, from boys in their teens to women in their fifties. Though they would not be able to see TVXQ that well, the fans all cheered and felt satisfied by the end of the concert. We’ve uncovered the secrets of TVXQ, the first Korean singers to hold a stadium concert.
Secret 1. TVXQ hit the ground running
Wearing white clothes and appearing in elevators that looked like time capsules, TVXQ opened the doors of their concert with a rendition of ‘Fated’. Going along with the opening video that showed the duo fighting their enemy with lightsabers, the two members looked like protectors of the Earth who had just landed in the present. Fitting ‘Time’, the title of their concert, TVXQ looked like warriors who had come from the future in various videos during the concert and the clock-shaped stage and mechanical part-shaped props accentuated the concept of the concert.

[TRANS] 130819 TVXQ, “The Stadium Concerts Were The Greatest Gifts Of Our Lives”

TVXQ began their Five Dome tour in April and their successful finale has made them the first international singers to hold a stadium concert in Japan. To get this far, TVXQ have slowly but surely climbed up the ladder of success, starting in small-scale concert venues in 2005. True to Max Changmin’s words of, “From small-scale venues to halls, arenas, domes and now a stadium. I feel as though we’ve personally paved each and every step of the way down this path TVXQ have taken,” such an achievement was possible because they are TVXQ, hard-working and humble. How do TVXQ feel about rewriting the history of K-POP’s Hallyu boom through their Nissan Stadium performance? We met with TVXQ right after their ‘TVXQ LIVE TOUR 2013 ~TIME~’ finale performance on the 17th at the Nissan Stadium in Yokohama, Japan and their faces were filled with joy and pride.

Rabu, 31 Juli 2013

[Resep] Dadar Sayuran

Bahan Utama:
4 butir telur ayam
1 siung bawang putih, cincang
2 sendok makan  tepung terigu
1 sendok makan  tepung maizena
1/2 sendok teh merica bubuk
1 sendok teh garam
50 ml air
5 sendok makan minyak untuk menggoreng

1 buah sosis sapi yang sudah diiris tipis
10 helai bayam  yang sudah diiris halus

Bahan Pelengkap:
Sambal Kecap

Cara Mengocok Telur:
·         Siapkan bahan-bahan dan wadah besar untuk mencampur adonan.
·         Pecahkan 4 butir telur ayam, lalu kocok lepas hingga tercampur rata

Cara Mencampur Bahan:
·         Masukkan bawang putih yang sudah dicincang, tepung terigu, tepung mazena, meria bubuk, garam, dan air. 
·         Kocok hingga semua bahan tercampur menjadi satu.

Cara Menggoreng:
·         Siapkan wajan untuk menggoreng. Panaskan dengan api sedang.
·         Jika minyak sudah panas, tuang dengan setengah adonan telur, lalu isi dengan bahan irisan bayam dan irisan sosis, kecilkan api agar dadar matang merata.
·         Biarkan hingga dadar menjadi setengah matang, atau kurang lebih selama 2 menit, lalu masukkan sisa adonan di atasnya.
·         Tutup wajan jika diperlukan agar dadar matang merata.
·         Masak hingga bagian bawah dadar mengering, selama kurang lebih 5 menit, lalu balik. Biarkan bagian sisi yang lain mengering dan matang.
·         Jika dadar sudah matang matang merata, matikan kompor.

Saran Penyajian:
·         Siapkan piring saji, taruh dadar telur di atasnya.
·         Potong sedikit agar terlihat bagian isi.
·         Tumpuk potongan dadar.
·         Beri taburan irisan cabe rawit.
·         Sajikan bersama sambel kecap.

[Resep] Tahu Telur Kecap

Bahan Utama:
2 buah tahu putih besar, cincang kasar
3 putih telur, kocok hingga berbuih
1 sdt garam
1/2 sdt merica bubuk
2 lembar kol, iris halus
50 gram tauge, siangi, cuci bersih
1 batang wortel, serut
250 ml minyak untuk menumis

Irisan daun seledri
Bawang goreng

Cara Membuat Adonan Tahu:
1.  Kocok putih telur hingga berbuih.
2.  Masukkan garam dan merica bubuk, aduk rata.
3.  Tambahkan tahu, aduk rata.

Cara Menggoreng:
1.  Panaskan minyak goreng dalam panci kecil atau wajan cekung.
2.  Tuangkan adonan telur dan goreng hingga matang, kering dan berwarna agak kecoklatan, angkat.

Cara Menghaluskan Saus Kacang:
Haluskan cabe goreng, bawang putih goreng, dan kacang tanah.

Cara Membuat Saus Kacang:
Campur bumbu yang dihaluskan dengan kecap manis, air jeruk nipis, dan air, aduk rata.
Saran Penyajian:
1.  Siapkan pinggan saji.
2.  Tata tahu telur, kol iris, tauge yang telah diseduh air panas, wortel serut, irisan seledri, bawang goreng, dan sausnya.
3.  Sajikan selagi hangat. 

[Resep] Barbeque Tahu

Bahan Utama:
10 buah tahu putih kecil
4 siung bawang putih cincang
1 buah cabe merah besar iris
2 sendok makan saus tomat
1 sendok makan saus sambal
1/2 sendok teh merica bubuk
1/2  sendok teh garam
1/2 sendok teh gula pasir
3 sendok makan minyak untuk menumis

Bahan Hiasan:
Cabe rawit bentuk bunga

Cara Membuat:
·  Tuang 3 sendok makan minyak pada wajan yang sudah dipanaskan.
·  Kemudian masukkan bawang putih cincang dan irisan cabe merah, tumis hingga harum dengan api sedang selama 30 detik.
·  Jika bawang putih sudah harum, masukkan tahu. Aduk rata sambil ditekan agar tahu hancur.
·  Tambahkan saus tomat, saus sambal, garam, gula pasir, dan merica bubuk. Aduk hingga bumbu meresap selama 2 menit dengan api kecil.
·  Setelah 2 menit bumbu sudah meresap, matikan api, dan siapkan mangkuk saji.

Saran Penyajian:
·  Tuangkan tahu barbeque ke dalam mangkuk saji.
·  Kemudian hias dengan cabe rawit bentuk bunga di atasnya.
·  Tahu Barbeque siap disajikan sebagai teman makan siang Anda.

Selasa, 30 Juli 2013


Sekolah Dasar dengan kategori SD SSN merupakan SD Favorit Masyarakat Ngunut dan Sekitarnya. Sekolah ini pada tahun 2006 pernah memperoleh juara 1 MIPA tingkat Nasional dan juara 3 tingkat Asia. Karena itu SD ini terkenal dengan prestasinya dan menjadi kebanggaan masyarakat Ngunut khususnya dan masyarakat Tulungagung pada umumnya. SD yang pernah mengharumkan nama Bangsa dan Negara Indonesia di mata dunia. 
Sejak dipimpin oleh Bapak Daryono,S.Pd. sebagai Kepala Sekolah, SD ini berkembang pesat bak anak panah lepas dari busurnya. Prestasi siswa, pembangunan fasilitas ruang belajar yang megah dan diakui tingkat propinsi, LRC (Pusat Sumber Belajar), Ruang Perpustakaan, Lab. Komputer, Ruang Guru, dll. yang semuanya serba wah guna memenuhi fasilitas pembelajaran di sekolah ini. Tak heran jika segudang prestasi dapat diraup oleh sekolah ini.
Kenapa SD ini dapat maju pesat ? Hal ini tidak lepas dari kemauan dan tekat yang kuat dari pengelola sekolah untuk maju, maju, maju dan teruuuuuus maju. Hari ini harus lebih baik dari hari kemarin. Kerja sama yang baik dengan Komite Sekolah dan memaksimalkan peran masyarakat dan wali murid adalah kunci sukses yang kedua. Memaksimalkan peran dari alumnus yang sukses adalah kuci sukses yang ketiga. Dan masih banyak upaya lain yang dapat dilkukan oleh skolah dalam memajukan sekolah. Semua tergantung dari kemampuan dan kreatifitas manager sekolah.
Perlu kami informasikan kepada pemirsa internet yang berbahagia, bahwa sekolah ini juga memiliki siswa yang breprestasi dalam seni budaya. Tahun 2008 ini dalam rangka Memperingati Hari Anak Nasional (HAN) Salah satu siwanya menyabet juara II tingkat propinsi Jawa Timur.
Dalam yang hal sana, pada HUT RI ke-63, sekolah ini juga menyabet juara I tingkat Kabupaten Tulungagung.
Siswa-siswinya baru kelas 5 (lima)juga membentuk group music Elektone di luar sekolah. Sering malang melintang di dunia music memenuhi job dari masyarakat guna mengembangkan bakat dan minatnya sekaligus menghibur masyarakat di luar jam sekolah. Adapun Group Musik ELEKTON yang terkenal adalah "Dhimas Yunior Elektone" d/a Kalangan - Ngunut - Tulungagung Jawa Timur TLP. 0355-398662 HP. 085 235 749 424.

Sekolah ini termasuk salah satu 120 sekolah yang menerima penghargaan Adiwiyata mandiri

 Nama Sekolah : SD Negeri Ngunut 06
Alamat Sekolah : Jl. Demuk 56 Tlp. 0355-396531
Ds./Kec. Ngunut Kab. Tulungagung Jawa Timur
Jumlah Rombel : 6 Klas
Jumlah Siswa : 315 orang
Jumlah Guru/ Pegw : 15 Orang

wikimapia.org , Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar 

Selasa, 16 Juli 2013

XIA Junsu – I’m Sorry (미안) (Romaji, Eng Trans, Hangeul)


saranghan daneun mal
daeshin geumanhaja
bogo sipdaneun mal
daeshin modu itja
ajig ttwigo itneun gaseuma gyesog
heureuneun nae nunmura

mian geunyeol cheoeum bwatdeon il
geunyeol saranghan ildo mian mian
geureon nareul ana bwa
geuraeseo deo apahana bwa
tteugeoun nae gaseuma jeongmal mianhae

mian geunyeol tteona bonaen il
geunyeol miwohan ildo mian mian
geureon nareul ana bwa
geuraeseo tto seulpeohana bwa
ulgo itneun nunmura mian

[Lyrics] Xia Junsu - 사랑하나 봐 (Seems Like Love) (Romanization, Eng Trans, Hangeul)


tto il nyeoni ga sewol ppareuji nari gago tto haega imankeum
sigan jinanmankeum nae meorissok geu apeun gieokdo musaekhaejyeo

geunde isanghae yeogiga apa apeun chaero chamgo salgo isseo
i oensonui banji mot ppaebeorin chae i gaseumsok neol mot beorin chae nan

sarang ttawin No nunmul ttawin No geurium ttawin No naegen an eoullyeo
tto sori naemyeo No chamaboryeo No nan molla ajik sarang hana bwa

saranghana bwa

tto ireun saebyeok jameseo kkaesseo honjain naega iksukhandedo
i oensonui banji ppaebeoryeotjiman i gaseumsok neol mot beorin chae nan

sarang ttawin No nunmul ttawin No geurium ttawin No naegen an eoullyeo
tto sori naemyeo No chamaboryeo No nan molla ajik saranghana bwa

Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

[Lyrics] Tohoshinki - OCEAN (Kanji, Romaji, Eng Trans)

Single: OCEAN

Japanese / Kanji Lyrics 歌詞

Ooga Jaka Ola give me beat
Ooga Jaka Ola give me beat ooh

Getting Back Back Back熱い季節
Jumping!Girl Girl Girl始まるのさ
Ready Go Go Go君と僕の夏だ 夏だ 夏だ

Summer love Summer dream Summer holiday
君に会えたあの日から 続いているよ
波をいくつ乗り越えて 僕らは夢を追いかける
君と海とあの空が 待っているから

シンクロする感情も とりあえずの乾杯も
大胆すぎbodyも 一晩中partyも 最高だから

[Lyrics] Tohoshinki – Wedding Dress (Kanji, Romanization, Eng Trans)

Yeah Wedding Dress
Yeah Wedding Dress
Yeah Wedding Dress
Yeah Wedding Dress

Wedding Dress Wedding Dress
君は白い羽の Angel
Wedding Dress Say yes
baby girl想いを抱いてWedding Dress for you
ah ah 幸せになろうよ ah ah いつまでも二人
ah ah Will you marry me?
Wedding Dress


Kamis, 04 April 2013

Kim Jaejoong's Fact

◦ He has a birthmark on his neck.
◦ He feels like a woman when Yunho touches him.
◦ He has a phobia of coke, because once, he was entering a coca cola drinking contest and he fainted after drinking cola.
◦ He donated blood for their cookies.. because he didnt have enough money for food back then.
◦ Jaejoong naturally doesn’t have pit hair (well very very little). He said he shaved to make it grow, but it just doesn’t grow.
◦ Jaejoong was a Chinese Soldier extra in the movie Tae Guk Gi, Brotherhood of War
◦ Jaejoong likes texting the members when they’re not with him. he’s constantly worried about them
◦ Before debut , Kim JaeJoong bought Kim Ki Bum ( from Super Junior , I guess. ) and Changmin alcohol, but they were caught by the manager because they came in later.
◦ Jaejoong is afraid of water cause he can’t swim.
◦ He likes to wear his ring on his fourth finger and feels uncomfortable when it is on other fingers
◦ He taught himself how to play the piano
◦ He has a thing for the Han River; his ideal date is walking near the han river and when he’s stressed, he likes to listen to music at the han river
◦ He has eight sisters and he’s adopted
◦ He shares clothes with yoochun AND they both get to choose costumes before the other members when performing
◦ He can’t trust himself with dating younger girls because he has never taken care of a girl younger than him
◦ He has a thing for elephants
◦ He hates loud noises

Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

[Lyric] T.O.P - Nineteen OST

Michin kkum-i iss-eoss-eo nan one of a kind
Guwon-ui bichjulgileul kkumkkudeon bam
Jeolm-eun santteusham neomu tteugeobda geu an-e deo tteugeobge dalguni I
Never fall out

Naeil-i olkka ready or not
I'm always there kkum-eun middeon soseolgaui sonja
Mom-i heoyaghadamyeon chelyeog-eun deo danlyeonsikimyeon dwae
Myeongsang-eulo yeonghon-eun saljjiwossne

Dallidagado nun tteseon andoeneun baegmileo
Eonjena bang-eohadeus geojis nundongja anymore
Geuttaeneun teomunieobs-ido midneun jeolm-eun-ido gidaenjeogdo issjyo I'm
Eojjeolttaeneun neomuhamyeonseodo jeomjeom dol-aoneun geosdeulcheoleom
Teongteong bieoissneun I gilgeolileul geol-eodanineun alittaun

Honjaneun silh-eo
Goyohan bam-i gip-eo(oneuldo naeildo naneun hollo ttwine poljjagpoljjag)
Bulbich-eul bichwo
Eoliljeog naui gieog(geuttaen geulaessji naesga-e anj-a pongdangpongdang)

[Lyric] Maroon5 - This Love

I was so high I did not recognize
The fire burning in her eyes
The chaos that controlled my mind
Whispered goodbye and she got on a plane
Never to return again
But always in my heart
This love has taken its toll on me
She said Goodbye too many times before
And her heart is breaking in front of me
I have no choice cause I won’t say goodbye anymore
I tried my best to feed her appetite
Keep her coming every night
So hard to keep her satisfied
Kept playing love like it was just a game
Pretending to feel the same
Then turn around and leave again
This love has taken its toll on me
She said Goodbye too many times before
And her heart is breaking in front of me
I have no choice cause I won’t say goodbye anymore

[Lyrics] G-DRAGON - This Love (Korean version)

This love (yeah, yeah, yeah)
This love in my thuggin' G's in, uh
I'm tray falling, that's right (yeah, yeah, yeah)
This is song for y'all (Yeah)

Onurun darun narbodado
Gwenhi do surpho jine
Niga bogoshipdago
Ijenun iron mardo
Harsuga obshi dweboringor
Gujo yopheso jikyoborsu
Jochado obso jongmar kuthingor

Amuri bwado babo gathaso
Hodwen gideman bupullyo
Chagag manhesso
Gure non namja chinguga inunde
Nanun gugor anunde
We gurenunji gurorsurog niga johajyo

Chinguduri nabogo byongshinire
Gyega mwoga guri jarna nyago jongshin charire
Gajigo nongore
Sang gwan obso amuryom othe
Irohgerado nor borsuman idamyon
Nan gugollo joghe

THIS LOVE dashin sarang tawin
Haji anha nomuna yawin
Ne mosubur baraboni
Weiri babo gathunji
THIS LOVE imi tonaborin
Jabgienun sarajyo borin
Doraojido anhur sarama
Molli molli naragajo gurum dwiro

[Lyrics] G-DRAGON - This Love (English version)

This love (Yea, yea, yea)
(I gotta holla about my girl full of ''mazing')
(Yea, yea, yea) Let's do it ch'all

Yea, it's really taking me from high-low
Let's see, where should I begin ?
The club on Friday night yo
Just having a good'ol time yo
The music's banging; people's like 'word'
But there was one that caught my eye, so I just had to get closer to her
She's super-fly yo, I must confess some
I'm thinking, 'Damn I need her' with a lovin' gesture
I'm about to hit her with a, 'How you've been'
'You don't remember me ? ' 'Hey ! '
Instead I'll stick with the traditional, 'Hi, what's you're name ? '
I be the GD, I'm a cool gentleman
Check out my melody, the flavor straight like your cinnamon
Feel the adrenaline; I'm pumpin' for your honey lovin'
It's all about the two of us getting together, now that's what I'm saying

This love got me high, I'm soarin'
Baby girl, you know I live for it
And I'll never ever hurt you
Without you, there's no life in me
This love got me proud to show it
Ain't no doubt, I'ma keep on holding
And it's on til forevermore, well baby
On and on, you know we have each other's back yo

Release Radar Spotify 28 Apr 2024

  Music of English, Italian, Romanian, Spanish 1. Kriss Kross Amsterdam, INNA - Queen of My Castle 2. Baby K - Fino al Blackout 3. Tananai, ...